Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Vasquez! Vegas Wedding

Though our trip was rough we did get to witness a beautiful thing! The combining of 2! 
Congrads to Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Vasquez

Las Vegas ... Tattoo Shoot with Jinx

What a trip we had! To say the least this last trip to Vegs was full of rough patches but we got a great Tattoo Shoot out of it! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Don't forget our Facebook page!

Welcome to Our World

Hey Guys!

So we have decided we should move up in the world and we are about to embark on the great endevour of SOCIAL NETWORKING! We will be blogging our shoots, using Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest and even starting a website. It's been a long and trying road... but we have never given up and we are only about to get better! So join us in our continuing journey.... hope to see you along the way.

PS..... Stay tuned for all of our links to keep you connected to us.